i used Flock for quite awhile, but this last upgrade version quite sucks. it's very bogged down trying to be everything that anyone could ever want to use a browser for, all as the same time. now that i have the hosted WP blog, with it's built-in editor and a plug in that allows me to correctly insert photos from flickr into posts, i've gone back to the must leaner and faster Firefox. Blogged with Flock no more!
It's fun to have as an alternative. I haven't really played around much with it yet but I definitely won't be abandoning Firefox which I have set up just so, with all its nifty add-ons. Perhaps we'll see some Firefox add-ons which replicate some of the features of Flock in the future.
16 Questions about 1 Photo with Carsten Siegel
German-based photographer Carsten Siegel has spent over a decade capturing
the stunning, intricate world of insects through his lens. Learn more about
his ...
Save the date: YouTube Brandcast is May 14, 2025.
Brandcast, YouTube’s annual Upfront event, is happening on May 14 at
Lincoln Center in New York. At the event, advertisers will learn how to
harness the po...
How disgust drives your politics | Cindy Kam
Would you eat a bug? How about fine-crafted chocolate — shaped like poo?
Your answer depends on both your disgust at the prospect and whether you
choose to...
Altruistic Brains
How exactly is the brain wired for altruism? And, if it is so beneficial,
why can it be so rare in human society? On this episode, Nicole Karlis
discussed ...
Taiwan's Secret Pyramids
My friend Alain has a YouTube channel focusing on conspiracy theories,
reptilians, UFOs, secret doors plus portals, sunken doors and so forth. He
[image: Unfortunately, SawStart is one-use-only. Once started, the blade
cannot be stopped, and must be replaced with a fresh blade while the
running one i...
Can we just change how we measure GDP?
There's one statistic that rules them all when it comes to keeping track of
the economy: gross domestic product (GDP). It's the sum of all final
The Skeptics Guide #1028 - Mar 22 2025
Interview with Michael Marshall and Cecil Cicirello; News Items: NASA
Delays Artemis, Punishing AI, Hybrid Bionic Hand, Pettawatt Electron Beam;
Who's That...
Alphabetic ‘s’ for Ms.
Recently, Victor Mair posted an image from Taichung of an apostrophe r
representing “Mr.” (Alphabetic “Mr.” and “Mrs. / Ms.” in Chinese) Here’s a
Carissa Véliz on Digital Ethics
Digital Ethics is a new field. What is its main focus? Carissa Véliz
discusses digital ethics with Nigel Warburton in this episode of the
Philosophy Bites ...
Ransomware, cybercrimes and how to stay safe
n 2022, the Optus data breach, along with the Medibank hack, saw the theft
of the personal information of millions of Australians. In the last decade,
30 Books for Nonfiction November
My Several Worlds - Advocating for Chronic Illness Awareness in Asia
A Bookstagram challenge made me do it! I posted a nonfiction read for each
day of No...
Sapiens By Yuval Noah Harari
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari was absolutely one of the coolest and most
fascinating books I’ve ever read. While I was reading it, I wanted to buy
and giv...
Our Visit to Thailand, 2020
It’s been over a year since our last post. It’s not because we haven’t been
doing anything – on the
The post Our Visit to Thailand, 2020 first appeared on...
NBA Finals Illusion
The NBA finals are well on its way between the Toronto Raptors and Golden
State Warriors. A very odd place to spot optical illusions if…
The post NBA Fi...
Golden Shower Trees – Cassia fistula [阿勃勒]
Here is a small collection of images of the unfortunately named Golden
Shower Trees [Cassia fistula (阿勃勒)] taken in Jhongsing Village [中興新村] in
early June....
The Novel Writing Seminar Begins
Want to be a more effective novelist? Many writers find it stressful to
work on a full-length book project. People struggle with plotting, and with
not k...
Shakespeare's Words version 3.0 launches today
The better the day, the better the deed, as Shakespeare didn't say. But
for everything he did say Ben amd I are thrilled to announce that we've
reached th...
Escape Pod 620: Promise (Artemis Rising)
Author : Christi Nogle Narrator : Tina Connolly Host : S. Kay Nash Audio
Producer : Adam Pracht Artist : Geneva Benton Discuss on Forums Escape Pod
620: ...
Learning from my own book
The most popular piece I’ve written on this site over the past few was
about Teaching English Online. I wrote it while I was hanging out with a
bunch of di...
Adjust contrast of a pdf free
Closer to the eye of the shooter, this is because Preview is quite
literally applying a filter to each individual page of the PDF you are
saving. the proce...
Measuring exhibition 2121 Design : Songshan Taipei
Taipei’s got a blooming cultural scene, with new cultural districts
offering lots of cultural events, exhibitions, and art displays. In 2014 I
made a cul...
Density Ornaments – Science Plus Holiday Art!
We decorated our Christmas tree this evening. During the process, someone
found a long lost box of empty glass ball Christmas ornaments that they
sell at ...
Music from Taipei: building demolition
When an excavator blasts a building apart in a crowded part of Taipei where
thousands of workers are straining their brains at office desks, it sends
us al...
228 Massacre redux
*Words do mean things*
The language that people use to write about Taiwan is a touchy subject, and
many people can't get it right. Or they *can*, but they ...
Grow With HubSpot New York
The marketing software company HubSpot sponsored an event at Irving Plaza
in New York, NY on Thursday February 18th to provide an overview of their
Rice, Rice, Hillman & Pedersen
bluegrass Barefoot in grass or dirt. Sunshine or candlelight. Worries
whisked away on a breeze of insight and acceptance. Troubles are nothing
more than li...
Vintage Vape
[image: vintage vape]
Whether you like baseball, chicken dinners, multilevel marketing, or *The
Price is Right*, we offer several varietals of bespoke ju...
#932 黑鵯三玩
John&Fish posted a photo:
[image: #932 黑鵯三玩]
Dear Flickr friends, you are very welcome to hear some of my piano
composition .
紅嘴黑鵯.攝於台灣 新竹市
Black Bulbu...
I've been following protests in Taiwan with a great deal of sympathy for
the students, admittedly lukewarm support for the details of their cause,
and tre...
4th Annual Mother of All 9/11 Posts
If there is one thing in this life that I truly appreciate, it’s misguided
self-expression. From bad crafting to terrible singing to hideous tattoos,
I lov...
A final farewell
Thank you for stopping by.
Today, we powered down Google Reader. We understand you may not agree with
this decision, but we hope you'll come to love thes...
An invitation to #ComedyFest (BYOB)
This week Twitter is turning into a comedy club, and you’ve got the best
seats in the house, all for the price of free. We’re not saying that
enjoying your...
Ma the Bumbler:馬英九是笨蛋、笨拙、憨慢的三聲無奈
bumbler的解釋是:Someone who makes mistakes because of...
Thank you
This is my last post for the Bad Astronomy Blog on Discover Magazine. As of
today – Monday, November 12, 2012 – the blog has a new home at Slate
Huben Epitaph
Hushan's Yucing valley before it was dug out to make way for the highly
controversial Hushan Dam. Yucing valley when the earth-movers got busy.
Collings and Herrin - Podcast 167
No preamble. Podcast 167 comes exactly 21 weeks after Podcast 166, due to
philosophical differences. Here we are again. Same attic, same settee, same
New address: www.bikingintaiwan.com
I will now start to post to bikingintaiwan.com. The site is up and running,
but the design is non-existent. I've changed to WordPress and need to learn
Instapaper 4: Deciding to Read
[image: Instapaper 4 Icon]
*Introducing Instapaper 4.0 for iPad and iPhone*
The lede here is that my pal, Marco, has just released the stellar new 4.0
Know Your Own Unique pangolins
Common pangolin (Manis javanica syn. Paramanis javanica) is the
representative of the order Pholidota are still found in Southeast Asia. These
animals ea...
Rain cannot stop the LGBT Pride Parade
An estimated 30,000 people joined the 8th annual Taiwan LGBT Pride (台灣同志遊行)
march in the centre of Taipei yesterday. Light rain did not stop the crowds
Factories in China move inland
Mainly looking for cheaper labor. I s...
File on 4
This website is no longer being updated. Find out more about current
programmes, read transcripts and download the podcast on the Radio 4
website. Click on...
We've moved!
Our blog is now located at radio.seti.org/blog. Come visit, update your
bookmarks, leave comments, listen to audio, and read the occasional
companion piece...
Wrapped Goodies
The Taiwan food vendors make it so convenient. This one is all sun
protected as well. Mustn't get any color on that skin... John
Campbell-Couldn't Do Not...
Dead Hunt by Kenn Crawford
We have a special treat for you. A few months back, Kenn Crawford was
looking for voices for his new podiobook, “Dead Hunt.” I agreed to do one
of those vo...
Blogger.com is ending support for self-hosted blogs. This stinks, but it
does give me an excuse to update the whole site, building instead on the
more powe...
A Sunday Stroll in Maokong (貓空)
Here's something easy to test the blog waters again. A hike in the hills of
Maokong, the tea growing region I am looking out at from my study window
even ...
Farewell Shan Ding Lu
After two good years at Shanding Lu our time in Taiwan is now over. Our
children are now more Taiwanese than Australian, my Perth work office have
mostly f...
Let The Sunshine In
This is an outstanding video podcast of my favorite singer, Mike Doughty.
He, along with his band, is playing live in/at a radio station. The first
and the...
This is too funny! I can't imagine why anyone would want a stuffed toy version of chicken, but funny all the same.
Me too. The only person I can imagine playing this is a teenage boy doing it to impress his mates or his girlfriend, but even that's a stretch!
i used Flock for quite awhile, but this last upgrade version quite sucks. it's very bogged down trying to be everything that anyone could ever want to use a browser for, all as the same time. now that i have the hosted WP blog, with it's built-in editor and a plug in that allows me to correctly insert photos from flickr into posts, i've gone back to the must leaner and faster Firefox. Blogged with Flock no more!
It's fun to have as an alternative. I haven't really played around much with it yet but I definitely won't be abandoning Firefox which I have set up just so, with all its nifty add-ons. Perhaps we'll see some Firefox add-ons which replicate some of the features of Flock in the future.
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